Basic & Advanced Options

Trading Strategies Course

with Technical Analysis

Enjoy this "Best Quotes" by Bruce Lee video

until my Introduction Video to this course is produced. 

Excellent advice for Options Traders.

Four Course Pre-launch Special: Save $300 or 75% -- $98 vs $398 for the 1st 500 enrollees "OR" until we launch our 1st of 4 courses which is estimated to be late January 2024.

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Basic & Advanced Options Trading Course

Course Overview: In this course you will learn everything you need to know to invest in and trade Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds and ETFs. These will include Mutual Funds and ETFs that invest in America and around the world. Every industry sector will be taught with the pros & cons of each covered.

Chapters 1 thru 4 are FREE to get a feel for our teaching methods and style... 

These lessons are yours and can be studied, and repeated, at your own pace. Once all of our courses have been created we will add quizzes at the end of each course. This will benefit everyone especially professionals using our courses to teach new recruits. 

You will learn how to research both fundamentals and technicals. Fundamental research is the study of the company's management, products and services, revenue and income growth prospects, competition, along with industry sector analysis. Technical analysis is far more simple! It is the study of supply and demand and how it effects price. The major element of technical analysis is the study of price charts of individual securities, industry sectors and major markets both here and abroad.

In this Course there are 13 Chapters and 74 Lessons. All lessons will include text and/or videos. Chapters 1 through 6 are more basic and can be skipped by experienced investors and traders if so desired. Chapters 7 through 13 should be studied by everyone... at the very least as a refresher, or even those pros searching for new techniques, ideas and tools.

Options Course Curriculum

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Option Contracts

Lessons 1 - 7

  • What are Options? What are derivatives?
  • History of the Options Market
  • Types of Option Contracts: Stocks, Indexes, Futures, etc.
  • Definition of a Call Option
  • Definition of a Put Option
  • Understanding the Option Market Participants
  • What makes Option prices move

Chapter 2: Option Prices Broken Down

Lessons 1 - 

  • Intrinsic component of an Options Price 
  • Extrinsic/Time Value component of an Options Price
  • How does Volatility of the Underlying affect Prices 
  • What is the Biggest Risk in Speculating? Time! 
  • Why are Bid/Ask Spreads so Important
  • Why do most Option Traders Lose Money

Chapter 3: Pros and Cons of Option Trading

Lessons 1 - 7

  • Hitting the Grand Slam vs a High Strike-out Percentage
  • Speculating in Options Contracts
  • Introduction to Option Spreads in Speculating
  • Introduction Spreads in Generating Monthly Income
  • 123
  • 456

Chapter 4: Speculating in Options vs Income

Lessons 1 - 6

  • Covered Calls: What they are and Pros & Con
  • Cash Covered Puts: What they are and Pros & Cons
  • Volatility can be your Best Friend or Your Worst Enemy 
  • Swing Trading a few days to a few weeks
  • Turning a Swing Trade into an Investment
  • 789
  • 101112
  • Trade in an IRA or 401k to delay taxes 

Chapter 5: Introduction to Research Analysis

Lessons 1 - 7

  • Fundamental Analysis
  • Introduction to Technical Analysis & Charting
  • Research Analyst Reports
  • News & how it effects stock prices
  • Reddit & other Social Media Phenomenon
  • Do your own research on companies you know and love  
  • Using all of the above to Invest & Trade Successfully

Chapter 6: Position Sizing & Risk Management

Lessons 1 - 6 

  • Determining the Number of Options to Trade
  • Pros & Cons of adding to Positions
  • Using Options to Hedge Risk and  Protect Portfolios
  • Intro to using Options to Protect Portfolios
  • Introduction to Index Futures Options to Protect Portfolios
  • Combining all of the above for best results
  • See our "Hedging Portfolio Risk Course" for greater details.

Chapter 7: Basic Technical Analysis

Lessons 1 - 6

  • Chart Types: Line, Bar, Candles, Tick, Point & Figure
  • Short-Term, Medium-Term & Long-Term Charts
  • Determining Support & Resistance Levels & Zones
  • Trendline Support & Resistance Trading
  • Moving Average Support & Resistance Trading
  • Computer Generated Technical Studies Pros & Cons

Chapter 8: Advanced Technical Analysis

Lessons 1 - 7

  • Chart Pattern Recognition
  • Bullish Patterns & How to Trade Them
  • Bearish Patterns & How to Trade Them
  • Technical Analysis of Sectors
  • Technical Analysis of the Stock Indexes
  • Technical Analysis of Global Markets
  • Technical Analysis of US Treasury Securities 

Chapter 9: What to Buy

Lessons 1 - 4

  • Using Fundamental Analysis to Buy or Sell
  • Using Free Research to Get Ideas
  • How to use News, CNBC, financial publications, 4 ideas
  • Using the Schwab, Fidelity & other brokers for research
  • Using MarketSmith and other stock screener programs

Chapter 10: When to Buy (Timing)

Lessons 1 - 5

  • Technical reasons to Buy
  • Support & Resistance Buys
  • Moving Average Buys
  • Chart Pattern Buys
  • Using all of the above... when logical & appropriate!

Chapter 11: How to Buy

Lessons 1 - 4

  • Market Orders vs Limit Orders
  • Stop Orders & Stop Limit Orders
  • Legging Into Positions
  • Avoiding common mistakes

Chapter 12: When to Sell (Timing)

Lessons 1 - 6

  • Fundament reason to Sell
  • Technical reason to Sell
  • Support & Resistance Sells
  • Moving Average Sells
  • Chart Pattern Sells
  • Trailing Stops Sells
  • How to Sell (same as How to Buy...just reversed)

Chapter 13: Creating Wealth in the Markets

Lessons 1 - 3

  • Applying Chapters 6 thru 13 to achieve Alpha status 
  • The power of compounding over a lifetime
  • Put everything in retirement accounts... if possible
  • Using Professionals for Tax & Estate Planning